just money now

  • money with ben with mask falling in sky
  • money with ben with mask falling in sky

#$9T Healthcare for all and $2K/month for every adult, $1K for every child

by Virginia Hammon | published

728 4 minute read

We are in very dire straits. Time is of the essence. Too many communities are in a free fall of disease and economic disaster. Our magical thinking selves want to believe it’s not real and will just go away, but reality will increasingly intrude as the number of deaths, unemployed, and closed businesses increase over the coming year. Let’s be safe, be well, and be as well- provisioned as is possible. THEN we can learn, discuss, and make plans for a better world that does not leave us all so vulnerable to catastrophe. And, this is one of those times when it is glaringly apparent that we are only as healthy and strong as our weakest citizens. So, it is imperative that we take care of everyone!

Few good decisions are made when people are in crisis mode worrying about whether they will live or die, and whether they can put food on their table and keep a roof over their heads. So, first we must put the floor back under all Americans. We can ignore or scramble to slap bandages on one problem or another as if we’re in a game of whack-a-mole. That’s what we’re doing now with a hodge-podge of bandages, unevenly and too often corruptly applied. And willful inattention to problems is causing further harm to us all. Give everyone an income, and people will take care of themselves, their business, and their neighbor.

To move through the current economic and pandemic crisis, we must demand that Congress immediately try out Just Money and pay for healthcare for everyone and pay every adult a $2,000/month stipend and every child $1,000. NOTE: This is not taking money from anyone; and giving everyone a healthy foundation is NOT socialism. In fact healthy capitalism can flourish when there are plenty of customers, healthy andmore productive employees, and plenty of people who can pursue innovation and entrepreneurship.

Healthcare and a universal basic income total roughly $9 trillion, which curiously is the same amount that Congress and the Fed sluiced into the financial sector from September 15, 2019 to March 15, 2020 (NOTE: this was nearly all before the pandemic was even an issue). Congress can create nine $1 trillion dollar coins, and spend them into the economy to provide healthcare for all and a monthly income of $2,000 for every adult and $1,000 to every child. This debt-free creation of money will put a foundation under us so that we can make better decisions for our future. The post coronavirus world will not be the same. Here’s our opportunity to envision and plan for the world we really want. We’ll be able to take a year to rethink what we want for ourselves, our families, our communities, and for our nation, and make thoughtful plans.

Get started:

  1. START A CONVERSATION with your friends, family, and associates. Send them the link to the video. Sign up for updates. (make these both links)
  2. CONTACT your Representative and Senator. a. Go to Find Your Representative, and Find Your Senator. find yours, go to their site and leave them a message with the form on their site. Tell them, With Just Money we can get through this crisis. ACT NOW to pass a law creating a form of Just Money and with it, provide healthcare for all and every adult $2K/month and every child $1K. If they allow links, put in the link to our 20 minute video explaining how and why this will work. b. Find their Twitter and FaceBook pages and put a comment on each of their threads . Ask them to watch the Video explaining how we can pay NOW for a better coming year with a sample of debt-free Just Money.
  3. Check out our materials, ask your questions, make comments.
  4. If you are part of an advocacy group that is working for a better world, please send them a link to our information, and invite them to participate in a national dialogue defining our values, the better world that we want and how we can pay for it.
  5. If you know of someone with deep pockets who might be interested in funding the national assemblies and national convention, send them the link to our donate page.
  6. Donate whatever amount you can to help us move forward. THANK YOU!

Thank you for reading this page. Please share then visit our take action page and help us spread the word. We can pay for a better world for yourself, your family and future generations. It’s time for Just Money now.


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A project of Great Democracy Media, Inc.

Endorsed and supported by The Alliance for Just Money

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