Vancouver Peace and Justice Fair

Vancouver Peace and Justice Fair

by Virginia Hammon | published

370 2 minute read

This is my first venture out and about on the campaign. A Peace and Justice Fair seemed like a good place to meet people who are dedicate to making the world a better place.

Who had booths?

There were church groups (Quakers, Lutherans, Catholics, United Church of Christ, Presbyterian, Muslims), politically active groups collecting signatures on local environmental issues, peace initiatives, and voting, and specific social service groups serving teens, homeless, and immigrants.

What I did.

I made the circuit of about 100 booths. I spoke to a local radio station about a civics program they have, gave them a book, and got info on the program’s director. I gave away 5 books to groups I thought might be interested in a presentation. The Clark County Quilters had a booth and were raffling off a gorgeous quilt. I bought a raffle ticket, gave them my cards and said I’d love to do a trunk show of my quilts for their guild. I’ll follow up on all these contacts.

I handed out about 50 cards with the website address. We’ll see at the end of the week if there was any measurable increase in visits. (a note to myself…bundle the cards in 25s, so I’ll know how many I hand out.)

Who came?

I’d guess during the day, they may have had somewhere between 750-1,000 who really took time to visit booths. There was a very large farmers market and an electric car display, so this brought in more people, and there may have been more traffic at the booths in the early morning. I arrived midday. The booth cost is under $50, so it may be worth the day next year.

What did I learn?

Here are my thoughts for the next event…clipboards for signing postcards, and BUTTONS! One support group was handing out paper stickers, and people were wearing them. This is a great way to multiply the message, so I’m ordering buttons. We’ll have a variety and they will serve as a poll at a booth on the areas of greatest interest. Please leave a comment and to tell us what you’d like a button to say, “Just Money can (pay for) _________________________.”


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